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Creativity and Healing

All healing stories I  have followed emphasize the importance of incorporating

some creative pursuit into your daily life.


For awhile, I was so overwhelmed with doing research and following physical protocols that I put all of that on the back burner, even though I had been a painter for years. Especially if you are in pain, this might seem  impossible and almost frivolous, but I want to encourage you to do what you can, when you can. There is something quite magical about being engrossed in the creative process ….everything else drops away and your brain puts aside all of the mental stress that comes with any major health challenge. That calm and focused mental state allows your body to relax and address physical healing unimpeded by emotional turmoil. What a gift!


Being creative is easy. Cooking, baking, gardening, writing, any and all crafts, sharing what you've learned with others through blog posts, inventing games with your children or grand children….and on and on. Being creative is part of the human condition, and yes, you do have it in you!


So I slowly came back around to it. Coming up with plant based recipes and experimenting in the kitchen became a happy part of my routine, and though I haven't picked up a paint brush in a very long time, I bought some beautiful magic markers and  enjoy taking on smaller projects. There is nothing I like better than sitting beside Zoe, each of us engrossed in some art project.


I guess my work over the years is now a part of who I am. Here are some of my favourite pieces, a window into my spirit. Hope you enjoy them!



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